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miércoles, 21 de enero de 2009

Bitxikeria: Obama eta WEB 2.0.a

Hona hemen sarreratxo bat:
Creative Commons License
http://ehulanak.blogspot.com/2009/01/bitxikeria-obama-eta-web-20a.html is licensed under a Creative Commons Reconocimiento 3.0 España License.
Gehiago irakurri nahi? Nire gonbitea luzatzen dizuet

Argazkiaren url-a:http://thestromboliproject.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/barak.PNG
So I read Steve O’ Hear’s post on Barack Obama’s new website with great interest. For those not interested in US politics, or perhaps, John Stewart’s Daily Show, Barack Obama is one the leading candidates behind the presidential election of 2008. Of course for more information head over to the Wikipedia’s entry on the man.

His website is introducing “myspace” type of functionality where Obama’s supporters can exchange messages, create a “blog”, and set up meetings and so on.My knee jerk reaction was one of extreme lameness. A politician using MySpace-style tactics to encourage people to “blog” about their experiences and “create meetings” with his blog? Doesn’t that just smack of someone who is trying to capitalize on another web trend?